Editorial policy: Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics is a refereed open access journal. Original manuscripts will be considered for publication. Work that has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere will not be accepted. All published contributions are available as open access publications. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication. Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics does not levy any charges.
Double-blind peer review: All submissions are first reviewed by the editors (internal review) and then sent out for blind peer review to two external reviewers.
Since May 21, 2021 the Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics uses the label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications granted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
Submission: Original articles may be submitted in English or other languages upon consultation with the Editors. Manuscripts must conform to the style-guide specified below, and must contain an abstract and a list of key words. The Journal uses Urkund to screen submitted content for originality. Plagiarized content will not be considered for publication. Manuscripts in digital format only (compatible with Microsoft Word or compatible file) should be sent to the Editor’s e-mail address.
Style: Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics uses the Unified Stylesheet for Linguistics: https://www.linguisticsociety.org/sites/default/files/style-sheet_0.pdf
Everything in the manuscript should be double spaced (including the titles and headings, notes, indented quotes, and references).
Linguistic examples should be presented by using Leipzig glossing rules. Phonetic transcriptions should, wherever possible, employ the symbols and conventions of the International Phonetic Alphabet. The transcription should be no narrower than is necessary.
It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain permissions to reprint any materials that have been previously published. Permissions are mandatory for prose texts that exceed more than 400 words, all poetry, and figures and tables.
Copyright: The copyright of the material is retained by the respective author(s). The content of this Journal is for free use for the purposes of education and research.

All publications under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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